Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Youth Envy --From Ridiculous to... More Ridiculous

I think I’ve finally figured out why some “clothing designers” insist on creating those god-awful “fashions” that no one in the real world would wear. It all comes down to youth envy.

Young women and men have an aura of freshness and vitality that most of these geriatric designers have not had for a long time. So to make up for lost youth, why not make young models look, well, ridiculous? Dress them in Dali’s-nightmare togs, use make-up giving them that pained, drawn, strung-out appearance, and parade them in front of a bunch of fawning acolytes who think such things are great sport.

How else could you explain the following photos?
Balloons and nylon luggage straps as hats ... very nice! HSN will have these soon. Don’t forget to order the police whistle earrings!
These models look like they were given Fleet enemas and not allowed in the bathroom until after the show.

Meet Dame Vivienne Westwood, 69, who recently announced she has no plans to retire. Why would she? She’s having a grand time making her models look ridiculous.